The epidemic of obesity that is sweeping the nation has hit home in Connecticut, despite the state ' s reputation of good health. In fact, obesity rates have risen markedly in Connecticut over the past decade, with more than 56 % of the population being classified as overweight or obese.
What does this mean? For one thing, obesity is a serious threat to individual health. Researchers say that a high body mass index ( BMI ) constitutes a greater threat to a person ' s overall health than tobacco use or alcohol abuse. Being obese may also lead to other life - threatening illnesses, called co - morbidities, such as heart disease, hypertension, and Type II diabetes.
Obesity is a public health threat as well. Nationwide, obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States.
And then, there are financial implications. According to a recent survey by the Centers for Disease Control, the cost of obesity to Connecticut is substantial: In 2003, state taxpayers paid $665 million of the $856 million total cost of obesity - related public heath activity in Connecticut. Of that $665 million, $246 million was paid out in Medicare costs and $419 million in Medicaid costs; the remaining $191 million was picked up by private insurance companies. In other words, the taxpayers of Connecticut cover some 77 % of the state ' s obesity - related health - care costs every year.
What can be Done?
Of course, treating obesity is no mean feat, and the citizens of Connecticut are facing this problem in a variety of ways. Many of those suffering from obesity simply ignore their condition - until disaster strikes. Of those who do attempt to deal with their obesity, many try to lose their excess weight by means of fad diets, exercise programs, or weight - loss pills and powders. For a tiny minority, these methods work. But the vast majority of people quickly regain the weight they lost after they suspend their self - defined " program ". For them, as well as those who lose no weight at all, there are extreme emotional consequences, due to their perceived lack of character.
Obesity is not a character defect. It is a disease - a disordered relationship between the person, the food they eat, and the lifestyle they lead. As a disease, obesity is best treated medically, and one increasingly popular method of treatment is bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery. Although not a panacea, surgical weight loss has been proven to be an effective solution for those whose lives are jeopardized by obesity. Surgical treatment can help minimize or resolve obesity - related health problems for people with a BMI of 35 or higher. It can also help those who are obese but have no co - morbidities reach their ideal weight and guard against developing weight - related health problems in the future.
Considering Surgical Weight Loss
What does this mean? For one thing, obesity is a serious threat to individual health. Researchers say that a high body mass index ( BMI ) constitutes a greater threat to a person ' s overall health than tobacco use or alcohol abuse. Being obese may also lead to other life - threatening illnesses, called co - morbidities, such as heart disease, hypertension, and Type II diabetes.
Obesity is a public health threat as well. Nationwide, obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States.
And then, there are financial implications. According to a recent survey by the Centers for Disease Control, the cost of obesity to Connecticut is substantial: In 2003, state taxpayers paid $665 million of the $856 million total cost of obesity - related public heath activity in Connecticut. Of that $665 million, $246 million was paid out in Medicare costs and $419 million in Medicaid costs; the remaining $191 million was picked up by private insurance companies. In other words, the taxpayers of Connecticut cover some 77 % of the state ' s obesity - related health - care costs every year.
What can be Done?
Of course, treating obesity is no mean feat, and the citizens of Connecticut are facing this problem in a variety of ways. Many of those suffering from obesity simply ignore their condition - until disaster strikes. Of those who do attempt to deal with their obesity, many try to lose their excess weight by means of fad diets, exercise programs, or weight - loss pills and powders. For a tiny minority, these methods work. But the vast majority of people quickly regain the weight they lost after they suspend their self - defined " program ". For them, as well as those who lose no weight at all, there are extreme emotional consequences, due to their perceived lack of character.
Obesity is not a character defect. It is a disease - a disordered relationship between the person, the food they eat, and the lifestyle they lead. As a disease, obesity is best treated medically, and one increasingly popular method of treatment is bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery. Although not a panacea, surgical weight loss has been proven to be an effective solution for those whose lives are jeopardized by obesity. Surgical treatment can help minimize or resolve obesity - related health problems for people with a BMI of 35 or higher. It can also help those who are obese but have no co - morbidities reach their ideal weight and guard against developing weight - related health problems in the future.
Considering Surgical Weight Loss
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